Friday, January 2, 2009

How to Recognize 6 Basic Causes of Procrastination

How to Recognize 6 Basic Causes of Procrastination That Prevent You From Achieving Success

Every journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. When you are starting an internet marketing business, you may be tempted to wait until you master all you feel you need to know before you begin promoting your business. You may have a fear of making a mistake. This fear can freeze you in your tracks. Everyone has a learning curve to go through. All of the internet marketing gurus have gone through a learning curve. Included in this article are six basic causes of procrastination:

1. We hesitate to do anything we don't enjoy. That may be anything from taking out the garbage to writing articles to promote our internet business. Let's take the example of taking out the trash. You know that it needs to be done, and that if you don't take it out, it is going to clutter up the kitchen and make your house smell and look bad. You also know that if you don't take it out, it is going to create an unpleasant situation with your spouse. Relate that to your internet business. You should realize that doing nothing is going to create more of the same. You are going to get a lot more of nothing. So it is important to do whatever it takes to make the business a success, even the little things you may dislike doing.

2. We put off doing activities we feel we are not good at doing. You may feel you are not good enough at making follow-up calls, or writing follow-up emails, for example. If you do not do those things you not only will not get good at doing them, you also will not make the sales you need to make in order to be successful at your business. It is a fact that you can say and write all the correct things to the wrong person and never make a sale, and you can say and write all the wrong things to the right person and make the sale. You have to do something.

3. We hesitate to do things that are not on our to-do list. We may need to change our agenda because of something, or some circumstance calls for a change. When I was working for a large corporation, as a scientist in their research department, I learned to make a list of things I had to do each day. I prioritized the list, but inevitably one of the bosses would come along with a job that needed done immediately. I learned to factor in what I called demand time. In our internet marketing business, there are demand tasks. It is an ever changing world, and sometimes we just need to change along with it. For example, if there was a closing of a production plant in your area, and you had available a list of the top employees involved, it would be foolish to put off calling them, and just sticking to your to-do list. Refusing to make those changes is another form of procrastination.

4. We put off solving problems that are likely to be messy. Confrontation is a good example. For instance, if someone in your down line is making false statements in his or her advertising you know that it is going to be confrontational to speak to that person about it. It is most definitely your responsibility to do so, and not correcting the situation will have long term consequences that are far more serious than the unpleasant task of dealing with it.

5. We procrastinate taking on tasks that take a lot energy but have a low return. We all would like to get the greatest return on our investment. We want to make as much money from our advertising dollar as possible. Once we have achieved that level of success it is tempting to forget where we came from. Training those in our down line is important, even though that activity will not yield high dividends at first. Even when we have an excellent training program for our newbies, it is important to give them the encouragement they need to get through the learning curve.

6. We hesitate to begin things we don't understand. When I started my professional training to become a Chiropractor, it had been 16 years since I had been in school. The task looked overwhelming. I decided to take on the curriculum one step at a time.I was able to successfully complete the program with honors. It is the same with the internet business. Don't put off starting until you understand everything. Take it on one step at a time.

It is important to recognize the causes of procrastination in your internet business and eliminate them. One method of eliminating them is to set up a reward system. Pick out something you really want to do and pair it up with one of the items that are causing you to procrastinate. Don't allow yourself the pleasurable activity until you have accomplished the thing you have been putting off.

For excellent training on these and other important aspects of internet marketing check out the training and internet marketing opportunity at

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