Friday, January 2, 2009

Procrastination - The ALIBI Maker

Lesson 4: Overcoming Procrastination (Excuses & Alibis)

lesson 1 was about Y.O.U Your Opportunities Unlimited,
lesson 2 was about T.H.E.M They Help Economics Move,
lesson 3 was about your T.O.O.L.S Timing Opportunity Open Mind Liquidity System.

It appears that now we are ready to move forward, well not quite. You see even with everything intact you can still find ways to procrastinate. Lets take a little time to address your procrastination. Everyone experiences some form of procrastination in various degrees almost every day. You are not alone. In fact you are surrounded by people that procrastinate constantly. It is almost as if it is a corporate culture to some respect. However, the D.R.E.A.M makers and G.O.A.L oriented have learned to tame or at least tune down that habit of doing nothing.

Procrastination is when you find yourself making excuses or like I like to say an A.L.I.B.I for not taking action. As adults we always answer to our higher selves when we make a decision to put it off until tomorrow. You convince yourself first or at least try to that it can wait or thats not high on my priorities list. You know that list that you haven't written down yet, the one in your head. After we replay and rehearse our A.L.I.B.I which by the way has a couple of meanings Always Losing In Building Investments or Always Losing In Building I, we know exactly who to talk with that wont put any pressure on us to move forward in our GOALS. Sometimes you are just tired, you worked 50 plus hours this week not including travel time, you just need to rest. Well Aren't Losers In Bed Idle. Another alibi Ok.

What is important? Living day to day because it is safe to at least know... well maybe feel... that we can count on our company to continue to pay us when in reality we really dont know anything about their accounting or financial intelligence. You better not even ask if you want to keep your job. You are just the first, second, or third level in your companies pyramid... oh I mean hierarchy.

Maybe you are just afraid to fail, that can really increase your procrastination power. Looks good on paper, appears to may work, but think of the million things that you didnt think of that can cause you to fail. How are you going to reach that many people, who are you to take on such a BIG undertaking, yaa daa yaa daa yaa daa blah blah blah STOP IT! This is the kind of self talk and things that you have heard that you need to apply that A.L.I.B.I to. Action Leads Interest Bringing Insight.

You see if you take action things will be revealed to you that will lead to your success and next level. Failure is not an option, just a course you may take on the road to succeeding. Something that you build from because All Losses Instructively Build Intuition. The intuition you may need to know when something is just quite not right. Bottom line... take action. Be strong. ThinkBIG and become F.R.E.E Financially Ready Enjoying Everyday... someone has to. Where Your Success Makes Us Successful....thinkBIG...

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