Friday, January 2, 2009

Dealing With Procrastination As a Business Owner

Don't put off until tomorrow what you can get done today. How many times have you heard that saying? As a business owner this is an important practice to remember. Because, after all, your business is in your hands and you truly have control over its success. Procrastinating with important business matters will never be a good practice to keep. You will want to make sure that you are punctual and on time with all matters when it comes to managing your business, from deadlines to billing dates, it is important to be on time.

Often times we do not even realize that we are procrastinating, though we do put off a specific task or item over and over again. Maybe for you it is writing, or scheduling your bills, most likely whatever task it is that you are putting off it is because it is something that you do not enjoy doing. So, think about it, what are some tasks that you hate, do you put those tasks off, or possibly begin them but never finish them? If this is the case you want to be aware of your tendency to procrastinate and instead delegate or outsource this task in order to ensure that it is done.

Another way to identify areas which you procrastinate in, is to think about the areas in which you make excuses. We often make excuses so that we don't feel like we're doing anything wrong, or we blame our procrastination on someone else, our kids, our spouse, or anything else for that matter.

In order to overcome your tendency to procrastinate no matter what your reasons are you may want to begin the practice of setting goals. However, remember you don't want the goals to be too lofty where you will not be able to attain them. The purpose of setting the goals is to help you to be in control and to show you that you can reach your goals and succeed, this helps you to be motivated so that in turn you won't procrastinate.

In this practice of setting goals make certain that the goals are small enough to achieve, but big enough to satisfy. You can do this by breaking larger goals into steps, as well as organizing your goals well. Creating a plan is a good way to do this. An example would be if your goal was broken into 4 steps you could set smaller goals and plans to achieve pieces of that goal by specific times. You would set out to achieve the first step by Monday, the second by Wednesday, the third by Friday and so on and so forth. This will help you to see your progress, and thus achieve your goals. Soon procrastination will no longer be a part of your vocabulary.

More about Kim Beasley

After working in Corporate America for many years, Kim Beasley decided to take her experiences and build a business to help other business owners develop their online presence. She believes in sharing real-life stories of encouragement with her readers so that they can be encouraged in their daily life. Kim is the owner of Agape3 Business Services, that is the umbrella for WordPress customization business and Membership website development business which helps businesses and organizations to strategically position themselves on the Internet. Find out more about Kim Beasley at

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